Africa at Noon on September 18, 2013

Preserving African Commemorative Fabrics: The Cloth Endures

Emilie Songolo
Senior Academic Librarian
Memorial Library
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Melissa McLimans
Digital Resources Librarian
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Time and Loca­tion

12:00pm, 206 Ingra­ham Hall, 1155 Obser­va­tory Drive, Madi­son, WI

Download Poster (pdf)


This project consists in collecting, analyzing and digitizing commemorative textiles from various African countries for preservation purposes. In her presentation, Emilie will examine the role fabric plays in African societies.

This project was funded in part by a 2013 African Studies Program Research Travel Award.


Emilie Songolo is the Bibliographer for African Studies, Social Sciences, and Francophone Studies in the UW-Madison’s Memorial Library. She has worked as the African Studies Librarian at the University of California-Berkeley. Before the Internet became a household name, Emilie designed and taught classes on various aspects of the Internet such as Telnet, FTP, listservs, copyright in the era of electronic information, and citing electronic information. She provides instruction on library research in various disciplines.


Melissa McLimans is a digital services librarian with the University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center where she develops and manages projects with faculty members and librarians from throughout the UW System. She also works with state agencies and public institutions to digitize a variety of formats for long term access and preservation. Additionally, Melissa is the voice of the UWDCs social media presence.