Upcoming Africa at Noon Events
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Future of African Studies Scholarship: Trends on the Continent
Aili Tripp
Department of Political Science and Department of Gender & Women’s Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
President, African Studies Association
Time and Location: 12:00pm, 206 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI
Presented as part of a special series of Africa at Noon talks by distinguished affiliates and alumni on the development and influence of Wisconsin’s African Studies Program.
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Aili Tripp will share insights from her experiences over the past few years serving on humanities and social science grant selection committees of the Carnegie-funded competitions for African scholars run by the Social Science Research Council and American Council for Learned Societies. She will reflect on what the research emerging from these competitions tells us about broader trends in African scholarship in the social sciences and humanities, with particular reference to Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana.
Speaker’s Bio:
Aili Mari Tripp is completing a book entitled, Gender, Power and Peacemaking in Africa. She has published Museveni’s Uganda: Paradoxes of Power (2010), co-authored a book with Isabel Casimiro, Joy Kwesiga and Alice Mungwa entitled African Women’s Movements: Transforming Political Landscapes (2009), and is author of Women and Politics in Uganda (2000) and Changing the Rules: The Politics of Liberalization and the Urban Informal Economy in Tanzania (1997). Tripp has edited and co-edited four other volumes and has published articles and book chapters on gender and politics in Africa, global feminism, civil society in Africa, women in post-conflict African countries, and on democratization inAfrica. She co-edits a book series with Stanlie James on Women in Africa and the Diaspora for the University of Wisconsin Press. Born in the UK, she has lived 15 years in Tanzania, and has dual citizenship in the US and Finland. She has carried out fieldwork in Tanzania, Uganda, Liberia and Angola. She directs the Center for Research on Gender and Women at UW.