The African Studies Program maintains a collection of outreach materials, including African story books, films, and cultural objects, and lends them to schools, colleges, universities, and community groups across the state of Wisconsin for academic lessons and community events. All items are housed in the African Studies Program office at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and they are available to ship directly to your school or organization free of charge!
The African Studies Program also curates Discovery Boxes which include a thematic combination of these items for your lessons or events. If you are interested in a specific item, browse the categories below and refer to our Lending Practices & Policies to initiate the lending process.
The African Studies Program has a selection of highly acclaimed Africa-related books available for loan. The books are primarily fiction, but also include autobiographical works, folktales, graphic novels, picture books, and young-adult novels.

The African Studies Program has a growing collection of DVD films which are available for loan, free of charge.

The African Studies Program has a large and diverse collection of textiles, instruments, clothing, art, and other material culture items from across the African continent. To inquire, contact

Browse through our curated links to find African news sites, lesson plans, topic-specific resources, and much more.