Graduate Student International Field Research Awards

The Division of International Studies is pleased to announce the 2012-13 competition for Graduate Student International Field Research Awards. These awards enable Ph.D. students to conduct exploratory summer field research abroad in order to develop their dissertation topics and be more competitive for extramural fellowships. Awards are intended to cover airfare and living expenses abroad, and are expected to average about $3,000 per student.

Proposals should be submitted to the International Institute member program to which the student is applying. Complete applications are due by 4pm on October 28, 2011.

To be eligible students must be enrolled in a University of Wisconsin–Madison doctoral program and have completed their M.A. or M.S. Dissertation research will be considered, but priority will be given to pre-dissertation exploratory research. Please note that the award is not intended to cover language study. The competition is open to U.S. citizens and international students.

Graduate students who work on Africa should consider applying to the African Studies Program.

The three-step application process

  1. Students will first apply to one of the International Institute’s area students/member programs:
    African Studies
    Center for East Asian Studies

    Global Studies

    Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies

    Middle East Studies

    Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies

    Center for South Asia

    Center for Southeast Asian Studies

    The Center for World Affairs and the Global Economics
    Please note that students with a comparative, cross-regional project must select one center to which to apply.
  2. International Institute member programs will review the applications and collectively nominate 20 finalists for consideration by the Division of International Studies selection committee. Students whose proposals were not selected among the 20 finalists will be notified at this stage by the International Institute member program they applied to.
  3. The final selection of approximately 10 awards will be made by the Division of International Studies selection committee. Awardees will be notified prior to the end of the 2011 fall semester. Awards will average about $3,000 per student (depending on available funding) and will be made available during the 2012 spring semester.

Applicants should submit the following:

  • A brief cover letter that includes a project title and the student’s contact information.
  • A two-page single-spaced research proposal. The proposal should outline the dissertation project and proposed methods of research, explain the disciplinary contributions and intellectual merits of the research, justify the necessity of international field research, and highlight the student’s abilities to carry out the proposed research.
  • A short budget. Awards will cover international and local travel and per diem costs for the duration of the field research period. Awards will not cover equipment. At this stage of the competition no airfare documentation or proof of accommodation rates are required, but the student should estimate these expenses to the best of his/her ability. Individual award amounts may vary depending on destination and the discretion of the awards committee.
  • A letter of reference from the student’s dissertation advisor. This letter should be addressed to the International Institute member program to which the student is applying. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain a copy of his/her advisor’s letter of support and to deliver all application materials to the appropriate member program.
  • A list of any other research funding the student is applying for and/or any that has already been received. Should a student receive subsequent grants, either internally or as a result of extramural competitions, a review of a revised project budget must take place.
  • An unofficial copy of the student’s current UW transcript (downloadable from My UW).

Application materials should be submitted to the appropriate International Institute member program by 4pm on October 28, 2011. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Students interested in applying through the African Studies Program should submit all application materials (and direct inquiries) to:

African Studies Program
Attn: Jim Delehanty, Associate Director
205 Ingraham Hall
Tele: 608.262.2380
Email Jim Delehanty a question

Awardees will be selected on the basis of academic merit, feasibility of the proposed project and budget, and potential to attract subsequent external funding for dissertation research. Although the committee will give due attention to regional and disciplinary balance, there is no expectation that a nominee from each member program will receive an award each year.

If the student’s project addresses human subjects, the Division of International Studies recommends that he/she contact the UW Madison IRB to determine proper protocols. IRB approval is not required at the time of application, but documentation of IRB approval or exemption will be required prior to the release of funds for field research. Keeping in mind that approval can be a lengthy process, the Division of International Studies recommends that all students submit human subjects protocols at their earliest convenience.

For questions and additional information, please contact the member program or email the Division of International Studies.

A pdf version of the above call is available here.

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