Africa at Noon on April 22, 2015

The Impact of the Educational System on Writing in National Languages: Problems and Prospects

Mamadou Ba
Ph.D. African Literature and Civilization
Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis, Senegal
Visiting Fulbright Scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Time and Location

12:00pm, 206 Ingra­ham Hall, 1155 Obser­va­tory Drive, Madi­son, WI


Ba will first analyze how the educational system served as means of penetration for colonizers. Ba will then examine to what extent the revision of that system is necessary; and finally, he will study the role of the writings in national languages.


Ba is a Senior Fulbright visiting scholar from Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis, Senegal, where he was head of the Department of English from 2009 to 2014. Ba also served as the editor in chief of the review Langues et Litératures. He participated as a Member of the Computerizing Committee, of the Teachings and Reforms Committee and the Bologna System Follow-Up Committee.