Project 1808: A GLocal School- University -Community Partnership Education Model for Sustainable Livelihood in Rural Sierra Leone
Alhaji Njai
PhD Scientist, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati and Research Fellow
Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Linda Vakunta
PhD Candidate
Environmental Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Time and Location
12:00pm, 206 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI
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This presentation will focus on Project1808 school-University-community partnership education model for building sustainable livelihood in rural Sierra Leone. We engage and connect students, teachers, community members through small pointed and targeted projects that address disconnects between learning and community problem solving. Our student-community project focus areas include, but not restricted to water accessibility, sanitation, small scale business, improve food production, renewable energy, and public health. By linking youth education to community needs in the most disadvantaged regions, we want to enhance creativity, innovation and develop next generation of compassionate leaders. Through specific GLocal (Global and Local) partnerships, we bring to practice the concept of thinking globally and acting locally that enhances knowledge exchange, cultural competency, while expanding their world view.
Dr. Alhaji U. N’jai is a Global Research & Development Scientist for Procter & Gamble Company (Cincinnati, OH, USA) and a Research Fellow at the Dept of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine at University of Wisconsin Madison. Dr. Njai’s Doctoral and Postdoctoral research work has focused on toxicology, genomics, immunology, stem cell biology, and systems biology, where he has published impact journals. He is a technical reviewer of Systems Biology, Genomics, Bioinformatics, and cell imaging for the National Science Foundation. Dr. N’jai is the founder and Chief Strategists for Project 1808, a Madison Wisconsin and Sierra Leone based 501 (c3) nonprofit organization. Dr. N’jai Co-lead the first UW Madison and University of Sierra Leone Global Health Field Experience and Sustainability Innovation in Rural Science. He also Co-host Panafrica Radio Show on WORT 89.9 FM Madison, Wisconsin, a weekly program on music, culture, history, and issues from Africa and Diaspora.
Linda Vakunta is a PhD student in the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies. She is also the program director for Project 1808. A native of Cameroon, Linda has travelled to Sierra Leone numerous times to facilitate and implement Project1808 programs in country. Linda co-lead the first UW-Madison Sierra Leone global health field course. Linda’s International community work has also taken her to Ghana as a business environment intern for USAID’s West Africa Trade Hub where she supported research work on the promotion of Sustainable Development through free movement of transport, goods and persons. She also Co-host Panafrica Radio Show on WORT 89.9 FM Madison, Wisconsin, a weekly program on music, culture, history, and issues from Africa and Diaspora.