DAY IN AFRICA will take place on Thursday, April 19, 2018 at Union South.
The goal of DAY IN AFRICA is to inspire interest in the peoples, places, and languages of Africa among high school students throughout the state of Wisconsin. A presentation at DAY IN AFRICA is your opportunity to introduce high school students to your region or area of expertise. Participants are juniors or seniors from a diverse range of schools. Some participants have never met anyone from Africa or known anyone who has traveled to Africa, other participants are recent immigrants from countries on the continent who are just learning to navigate American culture. DAY IN AFRICA is an opportunity for students across the state to come together and share their knowledge of this amazing continent and to learn more about the amazing research taking place right here on campus.
This year, we’re trying something new. DAY IN AFRICA will feature two different types of sessions.
Hands-on sessions will get students out of their chairs and engaging with content in a more hands-on way than traditional presentations. Ideas for these sessions could include music, dance, games, art projects, or anything else that brings the topic to life. Though a more formal presentation may be useful to introduce students to some of the main topics, the idea is to spend much of this session’s time learning by doing. African Studies can support the costs of basic materials associated with proposed activities (paper, paints, fabric etc.). To facilitate these types of learning experiences, these sessions will last an hour and 15 minutes, and will take place from 9:45 – 11:00 AM
Presentations will last 50 minutes and look more like traditional presentations. Presenters may choose to use PowerPoint or to show short films or other media. However, we still encourage interactivity and fun! Presentations will take place from 11:20 AM – 12:10 PM
Interested in participating? Tell us a about your proposed session by filling out this form.
Questions? Concerns? Ideas you’d like to bounce around? Don’t hesitate to email Lauren Parnell Marino.