SESSION III 11:25 – 12:05PM
Health by any means: Health Promotion through Community Collaboration in Rural Kenya
Northwoods B (3rd Floor)
This presentation will describe the importance of community collaboration in the context of health care education promotion in Kenya. The primary goal is to highlight the danger inherent in the “white savior complex” and explain that the most profound change occurs when community stakeholders are given the right tools to empower themselves to create positive change in their respective communities.
Presenter: Laura Gregor, Graduate Student, UW-Madison
Brain Surgery is no Rocket Science
Northwoods A (3rd Floor)
Ever wondered what goes in your brain? Spend time with Dr Solomon to learn more about the human brain, how it affects the rest of your body, and how surgeons treat diseases of the brain in order to prevent head and spinal cord injuries.
Presenter: Solomon Ondoma, Graduate Student, UW-Madison
My Name is Mariama: Teenage Girls Empowered as Peer-health Educators in The Gambia
5th Quarter Studio (2nd Floor)
In a small village, in the smallest country in mainland Africa, teenage girls are making a difference in their community and their country by educating their peers and others on sexual and reproductive health, maternal-child health and nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and other health topics. When Ebola hit the region, the girls loaded a bus and traveled throughout the entire country providing education strategies to prevent Ebola infection. Adrienne White, who travels to teach and learn from these girls during the summers, will share video clips, pictures, and inspiring stories about her experiences with the amazing girls of Starfish International, in The Gambia, also known as “the smiling coast of West Africa.”
Presenter: Adrienne M, White, Nurse Practitioner, University Health Services
Youth Agency Through School-University-Community Partnership in Sierra Leone
Industry (3rd Floor)
This interactive, photo, and video workshop will feature work being done by Project 1808 in Sierra Leone. Through school-community-university partnerships at the local and national levels, Project 1808 aims to help develop young people equipped to tackle different global issues in new and innovative ways.
This is a great opportunity to learn and engage with individuals doing this amazing work and how young people in Sierra Leone and the US are creating change together.
Presenter: Alhaji Njai – Research Fellow and Linda Vakunta, Graduate Student, UW-Madison
A Day in the Life of a Graduate Student in Ghana
Traditions (2nd Floor)
Ever considered going to college in Ghana? Whether yes, no, maybe, visit with Regina, an American student who did exactly that! Come learn about Ghanaian culture, life in Accra, Ghana’s capital, and university life in this West African country. Visit this session to learn what it’s like to study at the University of Ghana Legon and ways to fund your future studies abroad in Africa.
Presenter: Regina Fuller, Graduate Student, UW-Madison
Making a Universal Education Partnership
Wisconsin Idea (2nd Floor)
Ever considered going to college in Ghana? Whether yes, no, maybe, visit with Regina, an American student who did exactly that! Come learn about Ghanaian culture, life in Accra, Ghana’s capital, and university life in this West African country. Visit this session to learn what it’s like to study at the University of Ghana Legon and ways to fund your future studies abroad in Africa.
Presenters: Universal Education Partnership Club, West High School