January 28
Humanity in the Pleistocene, or “Just another large mammal”?
Henry T. Bunn
Professor, Anthropology
University of Wisconsin-Madison
February 4
21st Century Folk Music in Angola: The TSIKAYA Project
Victor Gama
Visiting researcher and Composer, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
Stanford University
February 11
Boko Haram: A Private Indirect Government?
Emmanuel Nuesiri
Visiting Research Scholar at the Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy (SDEP) initiative
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
February 18
Restructuring Youth’s ‘Bright Futures’ in Malawi: Families, Land, and Schools 30 Years into the AIDS Epidemic
Nancy Kendall
Associate Professor, Education Policy Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
February 25
Higher Education for Africa’s Resurgence in the 21st Century
Paul Tiyambe Zeleza
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Professor, History
Quinnipiac University
March 4
Challenges to Conserving the Congo Basin Rainforest: Climate Change and the Second Scramble for Africa
Thomas B. Smith
Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Founding Director, Center for Tropical Research
University of California, Los Angeles
March 11
A Tale of Mami Wata, Photography and Riches
Florence Bernault
Professor, History
University of Wisconsin-Madison
March 18
Human Dimensions of Zoonotic Disease Transmission in Western Uganda
Sarah Paige
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, School of Veterinary Medicine
University of Wisconsin-Madison
March 25
April 8
NGO Justice: African Rights as Pseudo-Prosecutor of the Rwandan Genocide
Luc Reydams
Professor, Political Science
University of Notre Dame
April 15
Education in Africa: Then and now; still now and then
David Johnson
Director, Centre for Comparative and International Education
University of Oxford
April 22
The Impact of the Educational System on Writing in National Languages: Problems and Prospects
Mamadou Ba
Ph.D. African Literature and Civilization
Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis, Senegal
Visiting Fulbright Scholar, University of Wisconsin-Madison
April 29
A Conversation: Closing Down the International Tribunal for Rwanda? What Was Accomplished and What Was Not?
Thierry Cruvellier
Author and Journalist
Scott Straus
Professor, Political Science
University of Wisconsin-Madison