Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoué
Credentials: Associate Professor
Email: jmougoue@wisc.edu
Website: Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoué's website
1402 Van Hise Hall

Dr. Mougoué is Associate Professor of African Cultural Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with additional affiliations in the Department of History and the Department of Gender & Women’s Studies. Mougoué is a trained historian, focusing on women’s and gender history in mid-20th century West Africa. Mougoué’s book, Gender, Separatist Politics and Embodied Nationalism in Cameroon received the 2020 Frances Richardson Keller-Sierra Prize and the 2021 Aidoo-Snyder Prize. The Washington Post selected the book for its 2020 summer reading list. Mougoué was selected as one of 15 African women historians shaping understandings of Africa’s historical past by AMAKA magazine in 2022.