Olayinka Olagbegi-Adegbite

Position title: Assistant Director

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Email: olagbegiolay@wisc.edu

Contact for Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS), Outreach Scholars Program, Discovery Boxes, and Children's African Story Hour (CASH).

Photo of Olayinka Olagbegi-Adegbite

Olayinka Olagbegi-Adegbite joins the African Studies Program from UW-Madison’s School of Education, where she recently completed her PhD. in Educational Policy Studies, with a concentration on Comparative and International Education, and a minor in Curriculum and Instruction. She has held administrative, teaching, and project assistant positions with various units across campus and has a track record of successfully working with first-generation, underrepresented students of color from low-income backgrounds through pre-college programming, like PEOPLE. Olayinka has experience living and researching in Nigeria. Her dissertation engages the comparative case study approach to examine the implications of language policies on teachers’ pedagogical practices in K-3 education settings within densely multilingual communities. As an educator, Olayinka is passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion as they relate to language and educational opportunities for the underserved.