Wisconsin-Affiliated Participants in 62nd Annual African Studies Association Conference

University of Wisconsin Affiliates


Emily Callaci, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Urban Africa Committee

Nancy Kendall, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Education Committee

Gregg Mittman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Extractive Industries Committee

Jacqueline Bethel Mougoue, University of Wisconsin-Madison
CO-CHAIR and PANELIST: “First Ladies of Africa: Beyond Femocracy and Wifeism?”
“‘A Wife can help her Husband to the Top:” First Ladies and National Political Culture in Cameroon”

Vlad Dima , University of Wisconsin-Madison
CHAIR and PANELIST: “Embodiment and Belonging,” 11/22/2019, 2:00 PM
“Hollowed Body: Fantasy, Football, and Skin in African Film”

Teju Olanyian , University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANELIST: “Forms of Belonging and Unbelonging in African Textual and Visual Culture,” 11/22/2019, 10:30 AM
“The Accents of Not/Belonging (plus a cartoon story of a genocide)”
ROUNDTABLE PARTICIPANT: “Surveying African Studies and (Re)Naming the Best Book (Herskovits) Prize?,” 11/23/2019, 10:30 AM

Amy Stambach, University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANELIST: “Collecting Africa: Museums, Foreign Actors, and Local Contexts,” 11/22/2019, 10:30AM
Material Objects Shipped between East Africa and the Smithsonian, 1880s-1890s

James Sweet, University of Wisconsin-Madison
DISCUSSANT: “Enslaved Africans in the Iberian Atlantic and Indian Ocean Worlds,” 11/23/2019, 10:30AM

Aili M. Tripp, University of Wisconsin-Madison
CHAIR and PANELIST: “Women and Political Resistance Part I, 11/22/2019, 8:30AM
Living Without Domestic Violence: The Case of Western Sahara
DISCUSSANT: “Woman in oral histories”

Graduate Students

Kathleen Alfin, University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANELIST: “Making Space and Mobilizing Mobility: New Approaches to West African History,” 11/22/2019, 2:00PM
“Uncle Sugar’s Belles: Liberian Sex Workers and the U.S. Army during the Second World War”

Kate Carter, University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANELIST: “Flawed Elections and Democracy,” 11/22/2019, 8:30AM
Technology Use and Election Petitions in Africa”

Lindsay Ehrisman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANELIST: “A Sense of the Times: Intimacy, Affect, and Belonging in African History,” 11/22/2019, 8:30AM
Individual Intimacies, Affective Maintenance, and the Pursuit of Political Well-Being in early Great Lakes Histories”

Carly Lucas, University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANELIST: “The Politics of Education,” 11/22/2019, 4:00pm
“Questioning Ujamaa: The Various Socialisms in Tanzania’s History of Possibility”

Kathryn Mara, University of Wisconsin-Madison
CHAIR and PANELIST: “Discourse on Politics and Violence,” 11/23/2019, 2:00PM
“Naming Jenoside, Génocide, Genocide: Socialization through Terming the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi”

Kaden Paulson-Smith, University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANELIST: “Gendered Histories and the Quotidian,” 11/22/2019- 4:00 PM
“Colonization through Policing Gender and Sexuality in Tanganyika”

Allen Xiao, University of Wisconsin-Madison
PANELIST: “Literature, Texuality, and Encounter,” 11/23/2019, 8:30AM
“Lagos in Life: Unscaling Cities in Migrant Experiences”

UW- Madison Alumni

Laura Fair, Michigan State University
ROUNDTABLE PARTICIPANT: “Publishing the Visual: A Roundtable in Honor of Gillian Berchowitz,” 11/23/2019, 8:30AM

Maren Larsen, University of Basel
CHAIR and PANELIST: “Making Goma and Johannesburg: African Urbanity in Comparison”
11/23/2019- 10:30 AM
“Making Camp: Peacekeeping and Urbanization in the Eastern DRC”

Brandon Kendhammer, Ohio University
PANELIST: “The Geography of Development in Postcolonial Africa: The Role of Complexity and Mediating Factors,” 11/21/2019, 10:30AM
“Don’t Fence Me In: The Comparative Political Economy of Farmer/Herder Conflicts in Nigeria and the United States”

Olusegun Soetan, University of Pennsylvania
PANELIST: “Gender and Africanist Vision,” 11/21/2019, 4:00PM
Being Wo-Men: Femininity and Sexuality in the Films of Tunde Kelani

Nicole Eggers, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
PANELIST: “Being and Belonging in the Central African Copperbelt: Part II,” 11/23/2019, 10:30AM
Transmitting Kitawala in the Copperbelt: Pamphlets, Prophets, and Empowered Ideas on the Move

Jeffrey Paller, University of San Francisco
PARTICIPANT: “Author Meets Critic: Reconsidering Democracy in Urban Africa,” 11/21/2019, 2:00PM
Discussing Paller’s book: “Democracy in Ghana: Everyday Politics in Urban Africa”

Kathleen Klaus, Northwestern University
PANELIST: “Displacement and Settlement in Rural Areas,” 11/21/2019, 2:00PM
Remaking Social Orders: Forced Migration and the Politics of Resettlement in Africa”
DISCUSSANT: “Citizenship and Belonging among Urban Refugees,” 11/21/2019, 4:00PM
DISCUSSANT: “Institutions and Governance,” 11/22/2019, 2:00PM

Philip Janzen
PANELIST and DISCUSSANT: “The Politics of Education,” 11/22/2019, 4:00PM
“Archiving Violence in French Equatorial Africa, 1903-1935”
CHAIR: “Investigation, Litigation, Jurisdiction: Recording Status and Violence in Empire,” 11/23/2019, 10:30AM

Are you a faculty member, graduate student, or alum and don’t see your name? Contact us at connect@africa.wisc.edu.