The International Journal of African Historical Studies (IJAHS) has published a special issue focused on the history of Africa’s first ladies. Guest edited by Jacqueline-Bethel Tchouta Mougoué, this issue originated from a Women’s Caucus-sponsored panel …
1000 Children’s Books: Patricia Kuntz’s Transformative Donation
The African Studies Program is honored to receive a generous donation of over 1,000 African children’s books from Patricia Kuntz. This thoughtful contribution is a huge step forward in our efforts to build a resource …
Women and Gender in Africa Publication Announced
The University of Wisconsin Press has announced the launch of a new book series, Women and Gender in Africa, edited by Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoué, associate professor of African Cultural Studies and History at UW, and Aili …
Afonso I Mvemba a Nzinga, King of Kongo: Luís Madureira translates for biography
Professor of African Cultural Studies, Luís Madureira, joined historian John K. Thornton to write a biography on King Afonso I, the sixth ruler of the Kingdom of Kongo titled Afonso I Mvemba a Nzinga, King …
Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoue Wins 1st Runner Up for Award from the African Studies Association of Africa
Congratulations to Dr. Jacqueline-Bethel Tchouta Mougoué, Associate Professor of African Cultural Studies at UW-Madison, for being named this year’s 1st Runner Up for the African Studies Association of Africa’s Pius Adesanmi Memorial Award for Excellence …
Claire Wendland nominated for national book prize
Claire Wendland, faculty affiliate of the African Studies Program and Professor and Chair of UW’s Department of Anthropology, has been nominated for two national prizes from the African Studies Association. Wendland has been nominated for …
New year brings new African studies library publications
The new year brings new works in the African Studies library collection! African Studies Bibliographer Emilie Songolo works hard to keep African Studies collections updated and replete with works from the African continent while supporting …
Africa in Our Lives: Karen Lynn Williams
Karen Williams is an American author of children’s literature whose Peace Corps-Malawi experience continues to shape the way she writes, parents and lives. Williams recently participated in a teacher workshop in Eau Claire, Wis. The African …
Crawford Young Winner of Book Award
The African Politics Conference Group (APCG) recently recognized Crawford Young’s The Postcolonial State in Africa: Fifty Years of Independence (UW Press, 2012) as the co-winner of the best 2012 book on African Politics. The other …
Bert and Diane Adams featured in Wisconsin State Journal
Read A Madison family found joy and friendship in the midst of upheaval in Uganda from October 27, 2013, Wisconsin State Journal.