Appreciating Neil Kodesh

The African Studies Program would like to express our gratitude for Neil Kodesh. Neil is a History Department Professor and has served as the longstanding African Studies Program Director. Neil guided the African Studies Program …

Appreciating Lindsay Ehrisman

The African Studies Program would like to extend our gratitude for Lindsay Ehrisman and the abundance of work she does for our Program. Lindsay is a history PhD candidate whose research asks about the interconnected …

Our Award Winning Community

African Studies Program would like to draw attention to recent awardees affiliated with our Program! If you’ve recently won an award, email us at GRADUATE STUDENTS Lauren Parnell Marino received the Mary Washburn Willets Award …


The African Studies Program is excited to publicly appreciate Joel Baraka. Joel is a 4th-year undergraduate civil engineering major, with a creative approach to education. Joel has worked with our African Studies Program for the …