277 Africa: An Introductory SurveyCross-listed in African Cultural Studies, Afro-American Studies, Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, and SociologyInstructor: Jo Ellen Fair, African Cultural StudiesEligibility: Applicants must be UW-Madison graduate students in good standing, making normal …
Africa in Our Lives: Kate Hamoonga
From Zambia to Tanzania to South Africa, Study Abroad Advisor Kate Hamoonga has had diverse experiences in sub-Saharan Africa and now helps UW-Madison students do the same. Field of study: Education Hometown: Madison, WI What …
Get funding to study an African language with a FLAS fellowship
The African Studies Program encourages students of African languages to submit applications for Summer 2016 and Academic Year 2016-2017 fellowships and awards. Application deadline is February 15, 2016. FLAS fellowships are funded by the U.S. …
Explore Summer 2016 domestic and international African language programs
Plan your summer African language study with this helpful list of domestic and international language programs. Summer 2016 domestic and international programs The link takes you to a Google spreadsheet that also includes tabs with …
Teaching assistants needed for Spring Africa survey course
277 Africa: An Introductory Survey Cross-listed in African Languages and Literature, Afro-American Studies, Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology Instructor: Michael Schatzberg, Political Science Number of Teaching Assistants needed: 2 Eligibility: Applicants must be …
Africa in Our Lives: Aleia McCord
Ph.D student Aleia McCord traces her steps from Ghana to Wisconsin to Uganda. From tips on making plans post-graduation to her passion for renewable energy in Uganda, McCord shares her experiences at home and abroad. …
Project Assistant needed in Educational Policy Studies
Professor Amy Stambach seeks a graduate assistant to help on a study concerning changes in overseas economic and development assistance for children and young adults in urban East Africa. The position is slate to be 50% time (20 …
Fulbright US Student Program 2016-17 Competition
The Fulbright US Student Program 2016-17 competition will open on Tuesday, March 31. Erin Crawley, the campus Fulbright program advisor, will hold an information session for students interested in learning more about the Fulbright US …
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad competition opens soon
The Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad program (DDRA) is a federally funded grant program and is open to graduate students who are U.S. citizens enrolled in a US university and who will be conducting dissertation …
UW-Madison seeks TA to teach Wolof
Expressions of interest due February 8, 2015 The Department of African Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) is seeking a teaching assistant to work under the department’s language coordinator, taking responsibility for …