Get funding to study an African language with a FLAS fellowship

Get FLAS funding to study a languageThe African Studies Program encourages students of African languages to submit applications for Summer 2016 and Academic Year 2016-2017 fellowships and awards.

Application deadline is February 15, 2016.

FLAS fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the UW’s National Resource Centers to assist students in acquiring foreign language and either area or international studies competencies. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Applications by students in professional fields are encouraged. Preference will be given to applicants with a high level of academic ability and with previous language training.

For more details and to apply online, visit the UW-Madison FLAS site.


Eligible students may apply to study the following languages with a FLAS award from the African Studies Program.

Academic Year
African Language Directed Study*

*FLAS applicants interested in self-instruction of a language not offered in a regular classroom setting at the UW-Madison may do so through AFRICAN 670 (2cr) and 697 (3cr). Applicants interested in the African Language Directed Study need to contact FLAS coordinator Catherine Reiland for details, guidance, and special instructions before beginning a FLAS application.

A wide range of African languages are eligible.

Plan your summer African language study with this helpful list of domestic and international language programs.

Summer 2016 domestic and international programs

The link takes you to a Google spreadsheet that also includes tabs with lists of overseas African language programs that FLAS students have attended in the past.

Prospective FLAS students should note that the U.S. Department of Education does not guarantee approval for an overseas program even if approval has been given in the past.

Fellowships and awards

Graduate student academic-year fellowship
tuition + $15K stipend

Undergraduate student academic-year award
$10K toward tuition + $5K stipend

Undergraduate and graduate summer award
Up to $5K toward tuition + $2.5K stipend

Information sessions

There will be two information sessions for students interested in applying for a FLAS award or fellowship (please note different times for graduate and undergraduate applicants). The content of the December and January meetings will be identical:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
206 Ingraham Hall
3:45-4:45pm for undergraduate student applicants
5:15-6:15pm for graduate applicants

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
206 Ingraham Hall
3:45-4:45pm for undergraduate student applicants
5:15-6:15pm for graduate applicants