Applications are now open for the 2016 competitions of both the IRIS Fieldwork Award and the Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship.
IRIS Fieldwork Award
The Institute for Regional and International Studies at UW-Madison is offering a “Graduate Student Summer Fieldwork Award” for Summer 2016.
Complete details on the award can be found at:
The purpose of these $3,000 awards is to support graduate students at the UW-Madison planning to conduct a minimum of 6 weeks of summer fieldwork outside of the United States.
Any continuing graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison may apply for these awards.
The deadline to submit completed applications is February 22, 2016.
Questions about the IRIS Summer Fieldwork Award should be directed to Mark Lilleleht by email at or phone at 608.265.6070.
Scott Kloeck-Jenson Fellowship
The Scott Kloeck-Jenson (SKJ) Fellowship is now accepting applications from graduate students for Summer 2016 awards.
Two different types of awards are given annually:
– International Internship Fellowships to support graduate students interested in undertaking practitioner internships abroad
– International Pre-Dissertation Travel Fellowships to support overseas travel to potential field research sites for doctoral students planning to conduct preliminary dissertation field research
The program is open to graduate students of any nationality enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and whose work includes a social justice component.
Students enrolled in terminal master’s degree programs are not eligible for either SKJ award.
The deadline to submit applications is February 22, 2016.
Complete details on the application requirements are available online at:
For a full overview of the fellowship, its mission, and history, see
Questions about the SKJ Fellowship should be directed to Mark Lilleleht by email at or phone at 608.265.6070.