The Journal of Undergraduate International Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is currently accepting submissions for its Fall 2012 issue. The journal seeks to publish the best undergraduate work across the country related to international …
Princeton in Africa Program offers year-long fellowship in Africa
Looking for a way to get field experience in your career of choice? Consider applying for a paid, year-long fellowship next year in Africa, sponsored by Princeton in Africa Program. Princeton in Africa (PiAf) offers …
Africa at Noon lecture series begins September 12
We look forward to the start of another great year of Africa at Noon lectures. Professor of History Neil Kodesh will present the semester’s inaugural lecture entitled, Health, Disease, and Healing in the Northern Great …
Transition to New Site
The African Studies Program is transitioning to a new website. Please excuse us as we make our updates over the holiday weekend.
An Artisans’ Cooperative in Butare
In July 2009 Catherine Reiland led a group of 14 teachers from across the United States to Rwanda for 30 days with the support of the Fulbright-Hays Groups Projects Abroad, a grant of the United …
Visiting the FAWE Girls’ School, Kigali
In July 2009 Catherine Reiland led a group of 14 teachers from across the United States to Rwanda for 30 days with the support of the Fulbright-Hays Groups Projects Abroad, a grant of the United …
Inside Islam interview about studying abroad in Senegal
Inside Islam: Dialogues and Debates highlights Sara Erickson, a UW-Madison student who studied abroad in Saint-Louis, Senegal, during her junior year. She talks about improving her French while learning Wolof for the first time. Catherine Reiland …