This year is proving to be an auspicious one for Daniel Kunene, professor emeritus of African Languages and Literature at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A few months after celebrating his 90th birthday surrounded by a hundred friends and family, Professor Kunene has three books that have just been released, Dawn to Twilight, self-published novel following the lives to two teenagers in South Africa, and translations of two works by Thomas Mofolo. In honor of his long friendship with Gerard Sekoto, the father of South African modern art, Kunene contributed an essay to Johannesburg’s Wits Art Museum exhibition catalogue, Song for Sekoto 1913 – 2013. Later this year Kunene will travel to South Africa to receive an honorary doctorate in letters from the University of Cape Town, his alma mater where he earned his masters and PhD and where he taught for several years before leaving South Africa.
Check out more photos of Daniel Kunene