Feingold Draws on UW-Madison’s Africa Experts


Image of Scott Straus and Russ Feingold
At a round-table discussion hosted by the African Studies Program Feingold turns to Scott Straus professor of political science and author of the 2011 book, Remaking Rwanda: State Building and Human Rights after Mass Violence. (Photo by Catherine A. Reiland/African Studies Program, UW-Madison)

On October 4, 2013, Russ Feingold, the United States Special Envoy for the African Great Lakes region and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, visited the UW-Madison campus to draw on the expertise of some of the university’s Africa specialists. Prior to his current post while a U.S. senator from Wisconsin Feingold chaired the Africa subcommittee when John Kerry headed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Read Secretary Kerry’s press briefing announcing Feingold’s appointment.