African Languages and Literature graduate student Adeola Agoke has been named a 2015 College of Letters and Science Teaching Fellow.
The Teaching Fellow Award is granted to TAs from the College of Letters and Science, the School of Human Ecology, The School of Pharmacy and the Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies who have achieved outstanding success as students and teachers. Winners of this award are named L&S Teaching Fellows and serve as instructors at the L&S Fall TA Training, which takes place at the start of the fall semester and welcomes 300-400 new and experienced TAs from across campus.
Selection as an L&S Teaching Fellow is a significant honor. Nomination is a means by which departments can recognize the outstanding performance of their experienced TAs. By leading workshops at the Fall TA Training, Teaching Fellows gain experience articulating their teaching philosophies as they meet and work with fellow graduate students and teachers from across the College, who share an interest in teaching undergraduate students.
View a list of past African Languages & Literature L&S Teaching Fellows: