PHOTOS: 2nd Annual South Madison International Community Night

Community members Luis Fis, and Catherine King dance to a performance by the Handphibians, a Brazilian percussion group. Photo by Jeff Miller/UW-Madison.
Community members Luis Fis, and Catherine King dance to a performance by the Handphibians, a Brazilian percussion group. Photo by Jeff Miller/UW-Madison.

Photos from the second annual South Madison International Community Night are now available for viewing.

University of Wisconsin-Madison News and The Cap Times have both featured images from the evening. With more than 150 people in attendance, the free community event was held on the grounds of Villager Mall in Madison on July 14. The event was sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s South Madison Partnership, Urban League of Greater Madison and Wisconsin International Outreach Consortium and included activities like international food carts, musical performances, arts and science tables.

“Photos: South Madison International Community Night,” The Cap Times, 7/15/2015.

“South Madison International Community Night,” University of Wisconsin-Madison News, 7/16/2015.