23rd Annual Graduate Student Conference in African Studies Call for papers

2000px-Boston_University_Wordmark.svg“Mobilizing Africa: Innovation, Syncretism, and Appropriation”

Boston University’s Graduate Student Conference in African Studies will be celebrating its 24th consecutive event. This year’s conference will feature the work of emerging graduate scholars engaging Africa from a variety of disciplines and focusing on the themes of innovation, syncretism, and appropriation. The 2016 conference will be held at Boston University, March 25-26th.

Graduate student papers that examine Africa’s past, present and future, exhibit methodological innovation, and/or yield fresh interpretative insights. Participation is commonly drawn from across the academic spectrum: Anthropology, Art History, Cultural Studies, Economics, Ecology and Environment, Geography, Global Health, History, International Relations, Law, Literature, Media Studies, Musicology, Policy, Political Science, Religion, and Sociology.

The application deadline will be January 15, 2016.

More information and to apply: http://www.bu.edu/africa/forstudents/graduate/annual-graduate-conference/