Day in Africa – Call for Presenters

The Africa Studies Program is hosting our annual DAY IN AFRICA, a high school outreach program where Wisconsin students explore a variety of Africa-related topics in sessions led by UW-Madison faculty, students, and staff.

We invite you to present a 40-minute interactive presentation at DAY IN AFRICA on Monday April 24, 2017 at Union South during one of the three breakout sessions which will run from 9:40am-12:05pm.

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The goal of DAY IN AFRICA is to inspire interest in studying Africa and its languages at UW-Madison. A presentation at DAY IN AFRICA is your opportunity to introduce high school students to your region or area of expertise and to encourage further exploration of these topics.

If you have not presented at DAY IN AFRICA before, view past sessions here.

Interested in participating?

Tell us about your proposed session by filling out this form.

**Deadline for submissions: Friday December 16, 2016**

DAY IN AFRICA organizer Dave Bresnahan will be in touch with you after you submit your proposal.