Wisconsin in Washington program accepting applications

Students of all majors seeking internship opportunities for UW credit in Fall 2018 can still apply to the UW Wisconsin in Washington, D.C. Internship program. This program combines the efforts of previous UW internship programs offered in Washington, D.C. by the International Division and the Political Science Department.

The semester program options include 3 courses plus an internship, totaling 12 credits.

A wide range of internships are offered in government branches and agencies, non-profits, policy, advocacy and service organizations, media, marketing, international development, global health and more. This is also a fantastic opportunity for students to make meaningful connections with UW alumni in Washington, DC while networking with other professionals affiliated with the program.

Fall 2018 deadline:  January 12, 2018

Full program details and application info are available here.

Students with questions can contact Katie Robinson, Program Coordinator, at mrobinson3@studyabroad.wisc.edu, or call the Study Abroad Resource Center at 608-265-6329.