International Internship Opportunities in Africa

The International Internship Program (IIP) has many exciting internship opportunities in Africa this Summer 2018. Applications are due February 18!

  1. Business Day Ghana International journalism intern in Accra, Ghana
  2. Health Access Connect Media and Communications intern in Kampala, Uganda
  3. Health Access Connect Monitoring and Evaluation intern in Kampala, Uganda
  4. The Fortress counseling internship in Kampala, Uganda
  5. NUCAFE production and marketing internship in Kampala, Uganda
  6. Kidlinks Urban Farmer and Agricultural Education intern in Johannesburg, South Africa
  7. Day for Girls Community Health Outreach Intern in Accra, Ghana

All internships on this list receive an automatic $500 grant from IIP and numbers 1-5 receive an automatic $1000 grant from the African Studies Program.

Find a full list of those accepting applications in Africa for summer or fall in the IIP database. You can also find & propose your own internship for credit and find funding information.

Want one-on-one help? Make an appointment with the IIP advisor for Africa.