As part of the Mellon Foundation-funded Big 10 Academic Alliance Less Commonly Taught Languages Partnership at Michigan State University, the MSU Center for Language Teaching Advancement is hosting a workshop for Big 10 university LCTL instructors on May 14-15 in East Lansing, Michigan.
Participants will engage in sessions about
- Use and understand concept of reverse design
- Examine proficiency standards that are relevant to your program and students
- Dialogue about best practices regarding the use of authentic and designed materials in the classroom.
- Learn the basics about your rights and responsibilities when it comes to copyright and open access materials
- Explore some of the latest/favorite tech tools for the modern foreign language classroom
- Hands-on time after each topic to dig into concepts and make notes for follow-up actions needed
Each Big 10 university can send two LCTL instructors to participate in this workshop, in addition to those Big 10 LCTL faculty who are participating in the initiative as core or affiliate partners for curriculum development projects in Hindi and Swahili.
LCTLs, for this project, are all languages other than English, French, German or Spanish.
The full cost of participation in this workshop for two UW-Madison LCTL instructors will be covered by the UW-Madison Language Institute and MSU.
TO APPLY: By 12:00 pm, Thursday, March 15, UW-Madison LCTL instructors who are interested in this opportunity should send the following to Dianna Murphy,
- Short curriculum vitae
- Short letter of interest that:
- describes why you are interested in this opportunity and how it might benefit your teaching
- confirms your intent to participate in the May workshop, if selected.
A committee will review applications ASAP after the application deadline.