Time to finish up your Fulbright application or just come by to learn more! As summer ends and the academic year kicks off, the deadline for 2019-2020 Fulbright US Student Program (FUSP) applications is fast approaching (September 12, 2018).
FUSP recipients conduct independent research, assist in teaching English in schools at all levels, enroll in graduate or professional study, and pursue artistic endeavors around the world. Click here to see full details.
The IRIS Awards Office is offering 5 more sets of drop-in advising hours for those working on their applications and those who just want to learn more about the program! Swing by 328 Ingraham Hall on:
Tuesday, August 28, 11am – 1pm
Wednesday, August 29, 11am – 1pm
Thursday, August 30, 11am – 1pm
Tuesday, September 4, 9am – 12pm
Wednesday, September 5, 1pm – 4pm
A full summary of all Fulbright advising opportunities can be found here.
In addition, Mark Lilleleht, the campus Fulbright program advisor, is available all through the application process to answer questions, review essays, and to discuss your interests. Contact him with your questions or to set up an appointment at awards@iris.wisc.edu or 608.265.6070.