FLAS Applications Now Open: Attend an Information Session or Open House

FLAS applications are now open!

African language FLAS fellowships are funded by the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the African Studies Program to assist students in acquiring African language and area studies competencies.


Both undergraduate and graduate students who are US citizens, nationals, or permanent residents.


Undergraduate student academic-year award
– $10,000 toward tuition
– $5,000 stipend

Graduate student academic-year fellowship
– Full tuition remission
– $15,000 stipend

Summer FLAS awards (undergraduate and graduate)
– $5,000 in tuition toward summer language training program
– $2,500 stipend

NOTE: Students are eligible and encouraged to apply for both an academic year FLAS award and a summer FLAS award, if they so wish. All competitions are evaluated separately and an application to one competition does not strengthen or weaken application to another.


Eligible students may apply to study the following languages with a FLAS award from the African Studies Program.

Academic Year

  • Arabic*
  • Hausa
  • Swahili*
  • Wolof
  • Yoruba
  • Zulu
  • African Language Directed Study
    FLAS applicants interested in self-instruction of a language not offered in a regular classroom setting at the UW-Madison may do so through AFRICAN 670 (2cr) and 697 (3cr). Applicants interested in the African Language Directed Study need to contact FLAS coordinator Meagan Doll for details, guidance, and special instructions before beginning a FLAS application.

A wide range of African languages are eligible.

*Students studying Swahili or Arabic may also be eligible for academic year FLAS awards through the Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS). To increase your chances of award, the African Studies Program strongly encourages students to apply to all centers for which they are eligible. Please contact FLAS administrator Meagan Doll (fellowships@africa.webhosting.cals.wisc.edu) for more information.


Hear from FLAS fellowship alumni who used their FLAS award to study on campus, in Uganda, and beyond!


Information Sessions will be held November 26 & 27, December 6, and January 24, 29, & 30 from 3:00-4:00PM (Undergraduate Applicants) and 4:00-5:00PM (Graduate Applicants) in 336 Ingraham Hall.

Open Houses will be held November 19 & 29, December 3 & 12, January 25 & 31, and February 4 & 6 from 11:00AM-1:00PM in Room 301 Ingraham Hall.


Begin your FLAS application here: https://flas.wisc.edu/

FAQ: https://flas.wisc.edu/FAQS.html