The Wisconsin Idea Fellowship proposal deadline is only a couple months away!
The Wisconsin Idea Fellowships support innovative projects designed collaboratively by UW-Madison undergraduate students, community partners (ie: nonprofits, municipalities, NGOs) and faculty to help address a community-identified need, locally or globally. On average, 5-9 projects are awarded funding each year, and projects can last for a summer, a semester or an entire academic year. More than 170 projects in 19 countries have been awarded fellowships since 1999.
Any UW-Madison undergrad who will hold junior or senior standing when project implementation begins is eligible. Projects may include multiple students. Students must remain enrolled undergrads throughout the entire project.
Students are eligible to receive up to $7,000 for group projects and up to $5,000 for individual projects. The award is meant to allow students to implement their project. Students can use all of the funding for supplies and expenses to implement the project, or designate a portion of their award as a tuition scholarship. The amount students are able to receive and designate as scholarship varies based on the length of their project. All scholarship funds will be administered through the Bursar’s Office.
To have your proposal reviewed by the committee before the final deadline, it must be submitted by the early review deadline of January 25th, 2019. A graduate mentor will then return it with comments/feedback within a week so you can revise and resubmit by the final deadline of February 8th, 2019 at 5:00 pm. This step has been very helpful to grant writers, especially if it is the first time they’ve written a grant.
All questions can be directed to Hannah Stephens at