Ebrahim Hussein Fellowship

Applications are now being accepted for the Ebrahim Hussein Fellowship.

The Ebrahim Hussein Endowment awards up to $7500 each year to one or more full-time graduate students in L&S at UW-Madison to carry out research on African expressive cultures in Africa and/or archives outside of the United States. The research must lead to a PhD dissertation, an MA thesis, or a publishable-quality paper. Doctoral students may receive up to $7500 each; MA-level students may receive up to $3750 each.

Selection Criteria

  • Excellence of research proposal
  • Demonstrated commitment to researching African expressive cultures
  • General academic record
  • Strong recommendations from faculty
  • Timing of the proposed research in relation to degree requirements

Applications for the 2022 year are due by 5 pm on March 11, 2022.

To apply, submit all application materials in one PDF to Toni Landis: tllandis@wisc.edu.Application materials should include:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • 5-page research proposal including a budget and timeline
  • Unofficial UW–Madison transcript
  • Names and email addresses of three UW–Madison faculty references (please do not have them send letters)