The History Department at Metropolitan State University would like to hire a community faculty member (i.e., adjunct instructor) who specializes in African history.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Ph.D. in History or ABD in History (enrollment in a doctoral program required)
- Demonstrated ability to teach at the post-secondary level effectively
- Communication skills (written & verbal) to communicate with a variety of persons and groups
- Demonstrated ability to work in an institution with a culturally, economically and linguistically diverse workforce
Ability to teach HIST 362: From Colonialism to Independence in Fall 2022 (mid-August to Dec. 13, 2022).
HIST 362 is currently scheduled as a fully online asynchronous course so that the successful candidate can teach remotely and does not have to reside in Minnesota. The modality could be modified after hire.
Deadline May 15.
More information & to apply see here.