Course Description This course explores the epistemological foundations and critical applications of the concept of melodrama, with particular emphasis on African literature and screen media. In ways that are increasingly amenable to cultural studies analysis, …
Teaching assistants needed for Spring Africa survey course
277 Africa: An Introductory Survey Cross-listed in African Languages and Literature, Afro-American Studies, Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology Instructor: Michael Schatzberg, Political Science Number of Teaching Assistants needed: 2 Eligibility: Applicants must be …
Course Spotlight: First Semester Hausa
Course Description Hausa is a Chadic language (a branch of the Afro-Asiatic family) spoken by more than 34 million people in parts of Nigeria, Niger, and Chad, and as a trade language by another 18 …
Course Spotlight: Internationalizing Education
Course Description “Internationalizing education” means both that education internationalizes our thinking and the ways we perceive the world, and that the field of education can be internationalized. The course will introduce students to various educational …
Course Spotlight: Imagining Islam
Course Description This seminar asks how Islam is represented in literature and other arts. How have people in Africa and the Middle East depicted, discussed, and written systems of belief? Why is there such a …
Course Spotlight: African Screen Media
Course Description Screens have been the sources of news and narrative, as well as the venues for pedagogy and revolution in Africa since the invention of the motion picture. Today, Africa is the home of …
Course Spotlight: Material Culture, Magic and the Senses in Equatorial Africa
Course Description Reflecting a broader change in African studies, exciting new work in Equatorial Africa is looking at the rise of new moral and sensual imaginations. In countries where poverty, ethnic strife and lack of …
Course Spotlight: Postcolonial Bildungsroman
Course Description How does one grow up to find happiness? The bildungsroman, or plot of “coming to age,” is a genre of the Western novel that arose in the late 18th century to answer precisely …
Course Spotlight: Critical Approaches to Multilingualism
Course Description The goal of this course is to explore various issues related to multilingualism through a framework of Critical Applied Linguistics (CALx). We will examine: the relationship between powerful and marginalized languages; the role …
Course Spotlight: The Global African City
Course Description People typically think of globalization as a twenty-first century phenomenon, yet African cities have been global hubs of culture, ideas, and economic exchange for centuries. This course invites students to explore the global …