Course Description Reflecting a broader change in African studies, exciting new work in Equatorial Africa is looking at the rise of new moral and sensual imaginations. In countries where poverty, ethnic strife and lack of …
Course Spotlight: Gender and Sexuality in African History
Course Description This course explores the historiography of gender and sexuality in Africa. Through reading a selection of classic and recent works, seminar participants will engage some of the central questions that have animated historical …
James Sweet named Vilas-Jartz Distinguished Achievement Professor
Professor of History James Sweet, former director of the African Studies Program and current chair of the Department of History, was recently awarded a five-year endowed professorship to support his research. Sweet regularly teaches courses …
African Studies Program’s weekly lecture series turns 40.
“Pressure free…informal, interdisciplinary get-togethers”–this is what the African Studies community on campus needed to address a lack of communication between campus Africanists, according to faculty and graduate students in the early 1970s. So to encourage …