ASP faculty respond to Ebola

Microsoft Word - Document1African Studies Program faculty Gregg Mitman and Tony Goldberg appear in a short video on the University of Wisconsin-Madison homepage in response to ongoing, interdisciplinary efforts at UW-Madison in response to Ebola.

Gregg Mitman is the Vilas Research and William Coleman Professor of History of Science, Medical History, and Environmental Studies. He is also Director of the Nelson Institute Center for Culture, History and Environment. His teaching and writing interests span the history of ecology, nature, and health in the U.S. and the world, and are informed by a commitment and hope to build a more equitable and just environment.

Tony Goldberg is the Associate Director of the Institute of Public Health and Professor of Pathobiological Sciences. His research focuses on the ecology, epidemiology and evolution of infectious disease, combining field and laboratory studies to understand how pathogens in dynamic ecosystems are transmitted among hosts, across complex landscapes, and over time with a geographic focus in Uganda.

Watch video “Ebola: UW-Madison Responds,” by UW-Madison. 3/27/2014.

Related event on Oct. 29, 2014

“Ebola in Context: Emergency Response and Global Responsibility”