2016 UW-Madison African Studies Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships
The African Studies Program of the University of Wisconsin-Madison is pleased to announce a one-time fellowship program for UW-Madison graduate students working on a master’s thesis or Ph.D. dissertation pertaining to Africa.
The purpose of these fellowships is to support library or field research (preliminary or otherwise) related to the thesis or dissertation during summer 2016.
We anticipate awarding two fellowships of up to $3,500 each, to be paid in late April or early May, 2016.
Eligibility: Applicants must be UW-Madison graduate students enrolled in Spring Semester 2016 and making progress toward a research-based master’s or doctoral degree focused substantially on Africa in any department or program. Applicants should also be expecting to finish all requirements for their terminal degree no earlier than September 2016.
To apply:
Write a two- to three-page single-spaced application essay that describes the following: (a) your research project, including any relevant theoretical or historiographic frame, significance, methods, work completed so far, the work you will do on the project this summer (and where you will do it), as well as your plans and schedule for finishing this project; (b) your trajectory for finishing your graduate studies and your career plans afterwards; (c) any other funding you have received or hope to receive to support this research project and whether it also would cover summer 2016; and (d) any special circumstances or considerations that you think might be relevant to the committee reviewing applications.
Your application will comprise:
- A cover sheet titled 2016 UW-Madison African Studies Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowship Application, which also gives:
- Your name and contact information (mailing address, email address, telephone number)
- Your department and degree program
- The name of your current academic adviser, who will be writing a supporting letter on your behalf.
- The application essay described above
- All academic transcripts from UW-Madison (these do not need to be official or original transcripts)
- A supporting letter from your current academic adviser addressed to Neil Kodesh, Director, African Studies Program and emailed to anita.makuluni@wisc.edu
Assemble items 1, 2, and 3 sequentially in a single pdf file, attach the pdf to an email message, and send it to anita.makuluni@wisc.edu. The subject of the email message should be “Graduate Student Summer Fellowship Application.” The deadline for submission is 12:00 PM on Friday, April 8. Please ask your adviser to have the supporting letter sent by that date.
Note that the award will be made as a fellowship; the recipient is responsible for assessing and handling any tax obligations or financial aid implications that may attach to receiving this fellowship.