Teaching assistants needed for Fall Africa survey course

277 Africa: An Introductory Survey

Cross-listed in African Languages and Literature, Afro-American Studies, Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, and Sociology

Instructor: Neil Kodesh, History

Number of Teaching Assistants needed: 2

Eligibility: Applicants must be UW-Madison graduate students in good standing, making normal progress toward a degree, specializing in the study of Africa in any department, with life and preferably research experience in Africa. Applicants must be free to attend all lectures (T/Th 2:30-3:45) and lead four discussion sections weekly.

Appointment percent time: 50%

Duties: Attend all lectures, lead four discussion sections per week, keep grade book, assist in all grading, carry out other duties as expected of teaching assistants

Application deadline: Monday, April 11, 2016.

To apply: Submit an application letter stating background, strengths, and credentials; all relevant transcripts; a CV; and the names and telephone numbers of two potential references. All documents should be submitted as a single PDF to anita.makuluni@wisc.edu. Applicants should include last name in the file name.