The UW-Madison School of Education is hiring a Coordinator for its newly named Global Engagement Office. The Global Engagement Office in the School of Education was created in 2018 to promote and support globally-focused research and creative endeavors, increase study abroad, cultivate a sense of place and well being for international students and visiting scholars, integrate a global focus in the School’s coursework and programming, increase the School’s international outlook, and manage international partnerships. The Global Engagement Coordinator position is integral to the development and growth of this new office. The Global Engagement Coordinator will play a central role in organizing and promoting events sponsored by the office and managing day-to-day operations. The Coordinator will create a web presence for the office that will serve as a central resource for faculty, staff, and students in the School of Education and beyond. The Global Education Coordinator will have a commitment to global diversity and creating inclusive spaces within the School of Education, and will organize events and support efforts to foster these ideals. Applications are due November 15, 2018.