Updates from Emilie Songolo, African Studies Librarian
Office Hours
African Studies Librarian Emilie Songolo will again offer open office hours following the African Studies Program’s weekly AFRICA AT NOON seminar in the fall semester. Office hours are scheduled directly after the noon seminar, from 1-3pm in 301 Ingraham Hall. Connect with Emilie regarding library collections, publications or research assistance.
Global Health Award
This month, Emilie was nominated as an Influential Midwestern Women Advancing Global Health by the Women in Global Health (WGH) Midwest Chapter. WGH is an organization which seeks to showcase the diversity and significance of Midwestern women in promoting health through leadership and talent.
Read about Emilie’s work and that of other nominees here.
Library Website Update
The updated library website went live in mid-July. On the home page, there are more links into databases, library hours, ASK, and course reserves. Some of the content that has been moved around due to these changes include:
- Under Research Support
- Scholarly Communication
- Citation Managers
- Subject Librarians
- Under Borrow and Request
- Equipment Checkout
- Course Reserves
- Under Locations
- Printing
- List of libraries with hours and features
- Options that were under My Accounts are now under either UW or LOGIN in the red bar on the top of the page
- Subjects is under Find
African Studies Portal (Research Guide)
This portal provides information on the African Studies collection, current news, core databases, grants information and other helpful resources. Click here to access the portal.
Other Research Guides
Research guides provide core databases, e-books and other helpful sources for specific areas and types of resources. The libraries research guides are accessible here.
Instructions Support
Contact Emilie to schedule an individual research consultation meeting, a library instruction session, to embed library resources in Canvas, or to design and create a research guide for your class. More resources to support instruction are available here.
Scholarly Communication
The libraries will connect you to the resources you need to make informed decisions about creating, managing, and sharing the knowledge you create. If you are interested in copyright, workshops and brown bags, Funder Public Access Requirements, Open Access, Open Educational Resources or ORCID Research Identifier, click here.
Study Rooms
Dozens of study rooms located in library spaces can be reserved up to two weeks in advance. If you need the spaces or reservations, or if you have the need to reserve a space throughout a semester, or beyond the standard two-week window, click here.
Note: The Graduate Study Room (Memorial Library) is Room 464. This room requires scanning your WisCard to gain entrance.
Borrowing Laptops and Other Equipment
Various campus libraries and information labs can lend out PC laptops, still cameras, video cameras, projectors, Mac laptops, dual boot Macs, digital audio recorders, iPads and game systems. You will need your WisCard to borrow equipment. Click here to ensure that a particular location has what you need.
Drop-in Library Workshops
If you are interested in learning about important resources, tools, and funding for your research, plan to attend a short, hands-on workshop tailored to the need of researchers (students, faculty, staff and community members). Upcoming workshops are listed on the calendar here.
Open Office Hours with Emilie Songolo
African Studies Librarian Emilie Songolo will again offer open office hours following the African Studies Program’s weekly AFRICA AT NOON seminar in the fall semester. Office hours are scheduled directly after the noon seminar, from 1-3pm in 301 Ingraham Hall. Connect with Emilie regarding library collections, publications or research assistance.
Selective Recent Acquisitions
Emilie Songolo works hard to keep African Studies collections updated and replete with works from international publishers and from the African continent while supporting African publishing houses by acquiring these new works directly from them. Here is a sample of the latest additions.
Please note that most works are found in Memorial Library unless otherwise indicated.