Course Description Reflecting a broader change in African studies, exciting new work in Equatorial Africa is looking at the rise of new moral and sensual imaginations. In countries where poverty, ethnic strife and lack of …
Year: 2014
Course Spotlight: Postcolonial Bildungsroman
Course Description How does one grow up to find happiness? The bildungsroman, or plot of “coming to age,” is a genre of the Western novel that arose in the late 18th century to answer precisely …
Course Spotlight: Critical Approaches to Multilingualism
Course Description The goal of this course is to explore various issues related to multilingualism through a framework of Critical Applied Linguistics (CALx). We will examine: the relationship between powerful and marginalized languages; the role …
Course Spotlight: The Global African City
Course Description People typically think of globalization as a twenty-first century phenomenon, yet African cities have been global hubs of culture, ideas, and economic exchange for centuries. This course invites students to explore the global …
ASP faculty respond to Ebola
African Studies Program faculty Gregg Mitman and Tony Goldberg appear in a short video on the University of Wisconsin-Madison homepage in response to ongoing, interdisciplinary efforts at UW-Madison in response to Ebola. Gregg Mitman is …
Intern with CARITAS in Uganda this Spring/Summer
The International Internship Program is accepting applications for Spring and Summer 2015 internship opportunities in Uganda. CARITAS For Children is a Milwaukee based organization that provides financial assistance for the health, education and general welfare …
Guide to African Commemorative Textiles
Senior Librarian and African Studies Bibliographer Emilie Songolo presents a newly published Libguide for those interested in African commemorative textiles. The guide serves as a companion to the growing collection of textiles currently be digitized …
Africa in Our Lives: Matthew H. Brown
Matthew H. Brown, assistant professor of African Languages & Literature, was no stranger to the African Studies Program when he began his faculty position in Fall 2014. From attending Africa at Noon to coordinating the …
Africa in Our Lives: Beatrice Mkenda
From her graduate studies to participating as an African Studies Outreach Scholar, a love for teaching continually motivates graduate student Beatrice Mkenda. Field of study: African Languages and Literature From: Tanzania What brought you to …
Course Spotlight: Gender and Sexuality in African History
Course Description This course explores the historiography of gender and sexuality in Africa. Through reading a selection of classic and recent works, seminar participants will engage some of the central questions that have animated historical …